Image about MPCC


Monterey Peninsula Water Management District


Public Utilities

About Us

The mission of the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District is to manage, augment and protect water resources for the benefit of the community and the environment. A California special district governed by a seven-member Board of Directors, the MPWMD encompasses six Monterey Peninsula cites, the Monterey Peninsula Airport District and portions of unincorporated Monterey County. Refer to and


General Manager, David Stoldt, receives MPCC 2017 Public Official of the Year Award
May 2017 Groundbreaking - Pure Water Monterey Project
Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project - 2,197 acre-feet injected between 12/2016 and 5/2017
Conducting fish rescues in the Carmel River
Rescued Carmel River steelehad fish are released into the Sleepy Hollow Steelhead Rearing Facility
Removal of a fallen tree from the river channel